Borusan Lojistik

Green Player in a Gray Industry

Borusan Lojistik conducts all of its activities
in an environmentally-friendly way...

Planting Trees

As a part of the project we carried out with ÇEKÜL, we have planted 670,000 trees as of 2018 at Borusan Lojistik "7 Trees Forest" located in İzmir, Ödemiş. Our project partner ÇEKÜL is one of the major NGOs in Turkey working on cultural values and environment.


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Green/Eco Port

Operations at Borusan Port are carried out in such a way to ensure no damage is caused to the sea water or marine life. Measurements taken reveal that it has the same level of overall sea cleanliness as Gemlik. At present, 11 different species of fish are living in our port.


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The Environment is Our Top Priority

By prohibiting the use of #10 oil with our Fast Card System, we are saving 33,294 tons of CO2 from being emitted every year. Meanwhile our rotor blade adaptor technology has prevented the equivalent of approximately 15,000m2 of forest from being felled.




Detailed Info

As a part of the project we carried out with ÇEKÜL, we have planted 670,000 trees as of 2018 at Borusan Lojistik "7 Trees Forest" located in İzmir, Ödemiş. Our project partner ÇEKÜL is one of the major NGOs in Turkey working on cultural values and environment.

After applying marine plywood at our port, we reinforced our eco-friendly transformation by turning all lighting into satellite connected LED and through second-hand wood recycling. We have achieved a total saving of 2.7 million kWH and an additional energy saving of 15-20%.

By saving 15,850 trees in total last year, we covered the oxygen need of 25,000 persons.

Borusan Port is also continuing to save at least 10,000 trees a year through its waste recycling system.

In 2005, it took its first significant step in preventing the pollution of the sea and acted as a pioneer in the industry by obtaining the Waste Reception License.

Operations at Borusan Port are carried out in such a way to ensure no damage is caused to the sea water or marine life. Measurements taken reveal that it has the same level of overall sea cleanliness as Gemlik. At present, 11 different species of fish are living in our port.

With the Hazardous Materials Compliance Certification obtained in 2016, it has become a pioneering company in the Gemlik Region and proven its continued commitment to the Green/Eco Port vision.

Conscious that as a company we conduct 3000 land transportation runs every day, we commissioned the Fast Card System which prohibits the use of #10 oil so that we could save 33,294 tons of CO2 emissions every year.

Our pioneering use of rotor blade adaptor technology in our operations has saved the equivalent of 15,000m2 of forest from being felled. Thanks to these great results, we maintain our commitment to the environment by continuing to use rotor blade adaptor technology in our operations.